Im not trying to be negative here at all, I just want to stress the importance of buying GOOD oils vs buying what you THINK are good oils.
Let's face it, there are a lot of essential oil companies out there, you can see it if you just type "essential oils" into Amazon and BOOM! I just did and got
273,846 results for "essential oils"
seriously, that's A LOT! I even Google searched it and the results are overwhelming.
Several years ago, when the kids were much younger, one of them came home with head lice. Yeah, it's disgusting, embarrassing, mortifying, nasty.... you name it! But with 5 kids in the house and 4 of them girls with long hair, all close in age, (4.5 years separate all 4 girls) you can bet it was probably only a matter of minutes and they all had it!
After trying to treat it several times with the chemical stuff at the store, washing kids, nit picking, and countless loads of laundry, you would think we were able to get it under control. But sadly, no. It always seemed like it WAS, for about 3 or 4 months but then something would happen and we had to start the whole ugly process all over. This actually went on for years.
Then someone asked if I had tried essential oils to treat it. It sounded like a great idea, and it seemed like the chemical stuff had stopped working or the lice had morphed into super lice and were actually FEEDING on the chemical stuff or something so immediately I jumped on the internet. I researched, ok, it was Melaleuca essential oil or Tea Tree, the more common name. Then I started looking for where I could buy it.
I never thought that something called essential oil, 100% pure, or just pure would be anything other than what they claimed it to be. I couldn't have been more wrong!
Needless to say, as I searched on Amazon I noticed some of the oils were CRAZY expensive while others were as little as 1/6 the cost. Naturally I bought on the cheaper end of the spectrum from a company that sounded good. They offered a whole set of 10 or 12 bottles for $150. "What a deal!" I thought, and they were 15 ml size bottles! The expensive ones were only 5 ml. So with that many kids to treat, why WOULDN'T I get the big cheap ones?
The oils arrived, I added it to shampoos, laundry soap, squirt bottles for misting the mattresses and sofas and chairs. I concocted natural homemade shampoo treatments, hair sprays to mist their hair so lice would find them unappealing, all with the Tea Tree essential oil in EVERYTHING.
Did it work? NOPE! So right there, I knew. Essential Oils just don't work!
Years have gone by, I gave up trying to treat it naturally and went for the big guns and bought pyrethrin from the farm store. We tore out four rooms of carpet and replaced thousands of dollars worth of furniture but we totally eradicated the problem probably to the deprimental health of my children. But the lice are gone.
Frustrated and disappointed that we had to go to such lengths to kill the pests and rid them from our lives, I continued to search for and learn about the essential oils.
I bought some of the expensive ones, I tried a few different companies. I tested a variety of oils for different purposes and noticed that the results were pretty drastically different then when I conducted the same experiment using the "cheap oils". I guess what I want you to take away from my experience is that just because it says essential oils, 100% pure, or organic, it isn't always so.
There are different grades of oils and the cheap ones are "Fragrance oils" or "Perfume oils" and I am just suggesting to you that these are the ones to avoid. Maybe you know that already, maybe everyone already knows that, but the companies that sell them are tricky, they won't TELL you it is a fragrance oil or just a perfume. They are cheap because they are synthetic and not designed to do anything therapeutically. Watch out for the term "Great for Aromatherapy" If you want to get them to add to a fragrant wax warmer so your home smells like cinnamon rolls instead of kitty litter, well then they are just fine!
If you want the oils to actually work on a therapeutic level for a physical ailment or emotional issue or even on a spiritual plain, you MUST get the good oils! I'm not saying you "CAN" or it's "BETTER", I am saying you MUST.
With that said, you are probably wondering what are the GOOD oils and WHERE do I get them? Well, I have good news for you, they aren't as expensive as you think either.
If you bought a lawn mower to do a snow blower's job, you would be disappointed with the results, you would be frustrated with the expense of the lawn mower and its inability to do the job you want it to do. The same is true for the Essential Oils.
There are a lot of "good" companies out there, I haven't tested them all but the two I did test and like are doTERRA and Young Living. I plan to keep testing other oil companies and update this post as I find more quality Essential Oils but for now, I highly recommend these. When it comes to your family and your pets, you really need to go with some quality trusted oils.
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