Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Oily Beginning

I am embarking on a journey that began over 31 years ago. I was 17 years old, wondered into a gift store and meandered over to some essential oils on a shelf. I marveled at the tiny little bottles and delicious fragrances. Right there, standing in that store, little did I know where this all would lead me. I didn't know what the oils were for, the number of uses, the smell was just wonderful so I carefully chose 8 tiny little bottles with cute wooden caps that's fragrances appealed to me and happily continued on with my unaware blissful life.

Years went by, two failed marriages, moved probably around 20 times (no exaggeration here!) making my way across the country and back "finding myself" and living the adventures of dreamers. Twice I had picked myself up and left everything behind except for the clothes on my back. I finally ended up in south eastern Minnesota, about 20 years later with 5 kids in tow.

It's the home I live in now, the one I have been in for the past 15 or so years. Kids in school and sports, the day to day activities, the busy life of a mom with 5 over active children. I was alone in my kitchen that day (about 10 years ago) I opened a cupboard up to make a cup of tea and a bottle of vanilla fell out onto the counter. So I pulled a chair away from the table and pushed it over to the counter. "I guess it's time to clean and reorganize this cupboard" I thought out loud.

Pulling everything out on to the counter and wiping the shelves down, I carefully put each item back and declared it a "wanted in my kitchen now" item. One by one, teas, honey, vanilla, some other extracts and what was this? I held a small, clear container with green lid. It was dusty, needed washing. So I pulled off the lid and was ready to fling it into the sink when I saw them. After all these years and all that had come and gone in my life to this point, I was staring at those 8 original little bottles of oil.

It didn't occur to me at the time, what a miracle it was, as I took out each oil and handled each bottle. I read the name of each oil, admired the little wooden lids. I can't recall exactly but I think I cleaned the container, carefully put the oils back in it and put the container away as a "wanted in my kitchen now" item. I pondered the passed, what had inspired me to walk into that shop in the first place. A time so long ago, like a life removed from clear memories, and still, what does one do with the oils other than just smell them and apparently, keep them forever?

So now, after 31 years, the oils have found me, by way of some unknown miracle. I shouldn't have these, they should have been lost and forgotten along my crazy path and after all this time. But here they are. Pause for thought, there must be a reason for this. The oils found ME. So all the wondering and all the interests that have come and gone, rocks, crystals, arts and crafts, energy work, meditations, I have come full circle back to the oils who found me. So I begin this late journey with new interest and I plan to fully explore all that there is to know about the oils and promise to share with you, my dear readers, what I find along this path as I realize now the oils were speaking to me so long ago and waited for me to catch back up to them. 

This is January 7, 2015 and so close to new years as we are I decided to tell you about my oils story and my new years resolution of taking one oil per week to read and research and share with you as I go all that I find. I plan to discover the physical uses, mental uses and spiritual uses of each oil as well as the most effective application of each oil for best results under each of the uses. That was a mouthful, huh? Anyway, one by one we will learn about the oils as we go from this day forward because anything that has fought so hard to be in my life deserves the attention I should have given it over 31 years ago!

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