Wednesday, March 25, 2015

How to polish a Siddhis Cube.

How to properly polish your Siddhis Cube

My intention for creating this how to explanation of polishing a Siddhis Cube is to help those who are seeking this knowledge. There is likely many ways to get the same effect but I am sharing what I do to polish and protect my cube.

First, I would like to explain that oxygen is the enemy here and why your cube may turn dark quickly. Copper tends to darken with exposure to oxygen, and being that our cubes are copper the follow tutorial should help you to better take care of, polish, shine and protect your cubes.

You are going to want to have a towel or newspaper to work on because the patina (dark color) tends to get on everything when you are polishing your cube. I have a couple of clothes, one is a wash cloth and I often use a treated soft cloth that I found on Amazon. HERE. I use Brasso cleaner, which can be found at your local grocery store along with coconut oil. You can use some other kind of oil, I just happen to prefer this one. I have a dedicated toothbrush or two for this chore but a finger nail brush or small brush of this type is extremely useful to get into the tiny spots around the raised designs of your cube.

I like to start out putting a little Brasso on the toothbrush and rubbing it in to every little nook and cranny, especial if the cube has an intricate design. I work my way around the four sides first and then the top and bottom so I don't miss any sides. Elbow grease required, but it will be worth your effort in the end.

When all the sides have Brasso worked into them, take a little water and add it to the toothbrush, continue brushing and thinning out the Brasso. You can even hold it over the sink and carefully brush out the cleaner while intermittently dipping your brush under running water. I would not run water directly onto the cube, just carefully remove as much residue as possible and move on.

Next dab off the cube with a clean soft cloth to remove any excess water droplets or cleaner. Lightly buff and polish all the raised impressions of the cube and wipe down the edges.

After the cube is dry and clean, I take my jewelry cleaning cloth and a dry toothbrush to polish all the lower impressions of the designs, moving my way around the cube one side at a time, taking the time necessary to buff every little spot.

It doesn't seem to matter how clean your cube is or how shiny you got it last time, it always turns the jewelry cloths black. That's normal, Your fingers and clothes may be turning black by this point in the process as well, but that just means you're doing a good job. Keep going!

HERE IS MY BIG SECRET!! to give your cube a shiny glow and protect it, use coconut oil!!

What you are going to want to do is apply a small pea size blob of coconut oil (or oil of your choice) to a toothbrush. The oil should be applied very thin and buffed into every nook and cranny as you go. What you want here is a super thin "film" all over your cube to protect it from oxygen so it will 
1. stay shiny and
2. stay protected. 

Continue brushing in the oil all over to every single side of your cube and go back over with your jewelry cloth to remove any excess and to give it that final buff.

BEFORE                                       AFTER

                                                                     After final buff

Gorgeous isn't it?? Now that you have cared for your cube, gushed over it's loveliness and gazed upon it with all the love in your heart you are ready to meditate with it. Keeping your cube clean and polished regularly help to build that bond and you will see your cube preforming increasingly well with continued regular care. I would do a buff now and then between regular polishes and do a full polish once ever 10 to 12 weeks. That's about 4 times a year or once per season. 

Good luck to you all and happy meditating!!

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