Lemon! Ahhhh! The wonderful Lemon. I am such a little lemon lover, I can't even begin to describe the love I have for lemons!! Its uplifting just to LOOK at lemons. They make me smile, pucker, and there is just nothing to describe the freshness they bring to the world!
This is truly one of my favorite essential oils, and FRUITS! It seems there is no end to the uses for lemons or ways you can love one!
I actually make a homemade hairspray at my house and my four daughters use it all the time and no one even questions its origins in my house. Yes, girls, that's a homemade spray you are using. :)
Here are a Few Suggested and Possible
Lemon Oil Uses:
The following are potential uses found in or on Modern Essentials, Aromatic Science, PubMed.Gov, as well as through anecdotal experience and other resources. Use them to inspire your own ideas, experiment, and see what works for you.
Air Pollution
Diffuse after painting (or add some to your Low-VOC paint!), during bouts of illness, or anytime air quality may be a concern.
Diffuse after painting (or add some to your Low-VOC paint!), during bouts of illness, or anytime air quality may be a concern.
Mix 2 drops of lemon, 2 drops of Lavender, and 2 drops of Peppermint with several ounces of water. Swish in mouth or gargle. (Some oils may be swallowed.) Repeat as needed.
Mix 2 drops of lemon, 2 drops of Lavender, and 2 drops of Peppermint with several ounces of water. Swish in mouth or gargle. (Some oils may be swallowed.) Repeat as needed.
Place a drop in your hands to inhale, rub through your hair, or diffuse through the room during times of anxiety. Be sure to look into Anxiety Blends Too.
Place a drop in your hands to inhale, rub through your hair, or diffuse through the room during times of anxiety. Be sure to look into Anxiety Blends Too.
Diffuse through the air, or massage with a carrier oil into the chest for faster absorption into the blood stream.
Diffuse through the air, or massage with a carrier oil into the chest for faster absorption into the blood stream.
Lemon oil promotes healing and decreases likelihood of infection when using a small dab on the site of the bite or sting. Use as frequently as every 30 minutes.
Lemon oil promotes healing and decreases likelihood of infection when using a small dab on the site of the bite or sting. Use as frequently as every 30 minutes.
Blood Pressure Regulation
Add a drop to your water or herbal tea, or anytime you're cooking with lemon juice. Start small for such concentrated oils.
Add a drop to your water or herbal tea, or anytime you're cooking with lemon juice. Start small for such concentrated oils.
Brain Injury
Use a diffuser or add a drop to the shirt collar. Mix with a small amount of carrier oil and massage into neck, shoulders and scalp.
Use a diffuser or add a drop to the shirt collar. Mix with a small amount of carrier oil and massage into neck, shoulders and scalp.
Cold Sores
Add a very small dab directly to the cold sore. Also try diluting it with coconut oil and using it as a lip balm to prevent cold sores during common times of flareup. Melissa Essential Oil is also great for this!
Add a very small dab directly to the cold sore. Also try diluting it with coconut oil and using it as a lip balm to prevent cold sores during common times of flareup. Melissa Essential Oil is also great for this!
Add a drop to the pillow, diffuse through the room, add several drops to wet clothes before you line- or machine-dry them, or dilute with coconut oil and massage into the chest.
Add a drop to the pillow, diffuse through the room, add several drops to wet clothes before you line- or machine-dry them, or dilute with coconut oil and massage into the chest.
Add a dab to your shirt collar while studying or working, rub through your hair or diffuse through a room (great for teachers!). Be sure to look into Focus Blends Too.
Add a dab to your shirt collar while studying or working, rub through your hair or diffuse through a room (great for teachers!). Be sure to look into Focus Blends Too.
Dilute 1 drop of lemon essential oil to 5-10 drops of coconut oil and massage in a gentle clockwise direction over the abdomen.
Dilute 1 drop of lemon essential oil to 5-10 drops of coconut oil and massage in a gentle clockwise direction over the abdomen.
Rub through hair, diffuse in a room, or add a drop to the pillow for the aromatic benefits. Use in massage or add a drop to water or tea throughout your day for topical or internal benefits.
Rub through hair, diffuse in a room, or add a drop to the pillow for the aromatic benefits. Use in massage or add a drop to water or tea throughout your day for topical or internal benefits.
Digestion (Sluggish)
Massage into the abdomen or use lemon essential oil in cooking or in your water. Other oils to consider are Digestive Blends, Cardamom, and Rosemary.
Massage into the abdomen or use lemon essential oil in cooking or in your water. Other oils to consider are Digestive Blends, Cardamom, and Rosemary.
Add to your Homemade Cleaning Products, add a drop to dishwater or 3 drops to bathwater, use in the washing machine or over handkerchiefs during cold season, or apply during massage.
Add to your Homemade Cleaning Products, add a drop to dishwater or 3 drops to bathwater, use in the washing machine or over handkerchiefs during cold season, or apply during massage.
Dry Throat
Add a drop to your water, or gargle with warm water, sea salt, and a drop of lemon.
Add a drop to your water, or gargle with warm water, sea salt, and a drop of lemon.
Dilute in a small dollop of coconut oil and massage over the upper and lower intestines and over the lower back to absorb quickly into the blood stream.
Dilute in a small dollop of coconut oil and massage over the upper and lower intestines and over the lower back to absorb quickly into the blood stream.
Massage over the reflex points of the feet and hands, across the neck and chest, or add a drop to water throughout your day.
Massage over the reflex points of the feet and hands, across the neck and chest, or add a drop to water throughout your day.
Massage into the areas of the body you can identify is holding exhaustion (physical, mental or emotional). Diffuse throughout the room too.
Massage into the areas of the body you can identify is holding exhaustion (physical, mental or emotional). Diffuse throughout the room too.
Add a drop to cool fluids, or dilute one drop to 5-10 drops or more of a carrier oil and massage over shoulders, neck, forehead, and into ears. I also like Peppermint for its cooling effects.
Add a drop to cool fluids, or dilute one drop to 5-10 drops or more of a carrier oil and massage over shoulders, neck, forehead, and into ears. I also like Peppermint for its cooling effects.
Massage into the reflex points of the feet and hands or over the abdomen or aches. Diffuse in the room, add a drop to the pillow or on the clothes for aromatic properties and to help fight illness for the rest of the family.
Massage into the reflex points of the feet and hands or over the abdomen or aches. Diffuse in the room, add a drop to the pillow or on the clothes for aromatic properties and to help fight illness for the rest of the family.
Furniture Polish
Add several drops to a half cup of olive oil or beeswax. Lime Oil is also great for this.
Add several drops to a half cup of olive oil or beeswax. Lime Oil is also great for this.
Use topically with care, or soak the infected area in warm water with several drops of lemon essential oil. Take internally in water or a tsp of honey 2-5 times throughout the day.
Use topically with care, or soak the infected area in warm water with several drops of lemon essential oil. Take internally in water or a tsp of honey 2-5 times throughout the day.
Greasy/Oily Hair
Add a drop to your shampoo, or massage several drops diluted in water into the scalp and hair follicles each time you shower.
Add a drop to your shampoo, or massage several drops diluted in water into the scalp and hair follicles each time you shower.
Use this aromatically (rubbing it over the hair, shirt collar, or diffusing throughout the home), or apply to the reflex points of the feet, especially the toes.
Use this aromatically (rubbing it over the hair, shirt collar, or diffusing throughout the home), or apply to the reflex points of the feet, especially the toes.
Gum/Grease/Sticker Removal
Apply several drops to gun stuck in hair or to clothing, furniture, etc. Apply over grease stains before washing. Use a drop or more over sticker residue to remove from walls or windows. Lime Oil is good for this one too.
Apply several drops to gun stuck in hair or to clothing, furniture, etc. Apply over grease stains before washing. Use a drop or more over sticker residue to remove from walls or windows. Lime Oil is good for this one too.
Greasy food and more alcohol have always helped my hangovers, but they don't exactly make you feel well. Use lemon essential oil in a bath, inhaling directly, add a drop to water (drink lots of water - hangovers are actually said to be dehydration symptoms), or massage into the chest, abdomen or reflex points of feet and hands.
Greasy food and more alcohol have always helped my hangovers, but they don't exactly make you feel well. Use lemon essential oil in a bath, inhaling directly, add a drop to water (drink lots of water - hangovers are actually said to be dehydration symptoms), or massage into the chest, abdomen or reflex points of feet and hands.
Massage lemon oil across the arches and pads of the feet and down the throat, sternum and stomach.Digestive Oils are helpful too.
Massage lemon oil across the arches and pads of the feet and down the throat, sternum and stomach.Digestive Oils are helpful too.
Intestinal Parasites
I suggest using lemon in your water or tea daily to treat and prevent parasites. You can also massage over the stomach and intestines and into the feet for faster absorption.
I suggest using lemon in your water or tea daily to treat and prevent parasites. You can also massage over the stomach and intestines and into the feet for faster absorption.
Kidney Stones
Eat, drink, or take a couple drops of lemon oil in capsules to help fight off kidney stones.
Eat, drink, or take a couple drops of lemon oil in capsules to help fight off kidney stones.
Lymphatic Cleansing
Massage into the body with a carrier oil, moving from your outer extremities toward the heart. Diffuse daily when detoxing is a priority.
Massage into the body with a carrier oil, moving from your outer extremities toward the heart. Diffuse daily when detoxing is a priority.
Lemon's antibacterial properties can be utilized by massaging it directly into the skin for fast absorption to the blood stream. I'd also check out the incredible research on Oregano Oil And MRSA
Lemon's antibacterial properties can be utilized by massaging it directly into the skin for fast absorption to the blood stream. I'd also check out the incredible research on Oregano Oil And MRSA
Diffuse or create sachets to place throughout the home, place a dab on your shirt or rub a drop into your hands and then through your hair.
Diffuse or create sachets to place throughout the home, place a dab on your shirt or rub a drop into your hands and then through your hair.
Massage into the feet and hands, diffuse or inhale directly, or add a drop to water through the day.
Massage into the feet and hands, diffuse or inhale directly, or add a drop to water through the day.
Physical Energy
Lemon essential oil is very uplifting when used aromatically. Try running it through your hair, adding it to the clothes as you dry them or adding it to baking soda as a carpet deodorizer as you vacuum.
Lemon essential oil is very uplifting when used aromatically. Try running it through your hair, adding it to the clothes as you dry them or adding it to baking soda as a carpet deodorizer as you vacuum.
Postpartum Depression
Diffuse through the home during and after birth, dry clothes in several drops of lemon, or rub a drop into your hands and run through hair. You might also look into Other Uplifting Blends.
Diffuse through the home during and after birth, dry clothes in several drops of lemon, or rub a drop into your hands and run through hair. You might also look into Other Uplifting Blends.
Great during cold and flu season to diffuse through the home. You can even add a drop to a small pan of warm (not boiling) water on the stove and let the aroma fill the house. (You can then use that lemon water in cooking!)
Great during cold and flu season to diffuse through the home. You can even add a drop to a small pan of warm (not boiling) water on the stove and let the aroma fill the house. (You can then use that lemon water in cooking!)
Although lemon essential oil is known to be uplifting, if energies are running too high it can also bring a person into balance. Diffuse through the air or add a drop or two to a small pan of hot water. Also look into A Calming Blend.
Although lemon essential oil is known to be uplifting, if energies are running too high it can also bring a person into balance. Diffuse through the air or add a drop or two to a small pan of hot water. Also look into A Calming Blend.
Skin (Toning)
Dilute 1 drop of lemon essential oil to every 1-2 ounces of purified water, shake well each use, and spritz on the face, avoiding the eyes.
Dilute 1 drop of lemon essential oil to every 1-2 ounces of purified water, shake well each use, and spritz on the face, avoiding the eyes.
Add 1-2 drops of lemon oil to a steam tent, or add to your shirt collar.
Add 1-2 drops of lemon oil to a steam tent, or add to your shirt collar.
Throat Infection
Diffuse through the room, use in massage, and gargle in warm sea salt with a drop of lemon.
Diffuse through the room, use in massage, and gargle in warm sea salt with a drop of lemon.
Can be used in the same manner as a throat infection. You might also apply to the neck, or check out An Antiviral Blend.
Can be used in the same manner as a throat infection. You might also apply to the neck, or check out An Antiviral Blend.
Diffuse lemon essential oil through the room or drop 1-2 drops into a pan of hot, steaming water to fill the house with the aroma.
Diffuse lemon essential oil through the room or drop 1-2 drops into a pan of hot, steaming water to fill the house with the aroma.
Varicose Veins
Very gently massage equal parts lemon oil with Peppermint, Lemongrass, Cypress, and a carrier oil in an upward motion (always toward the heart).
Very gently massage equal parts lemon oil with Peppermint, Lemongrass, Cypress, and a carrier oil in an upward motion (always toward the heart).
Water Purification
Where clean water (or just good tasting water) is a concern, add a drop of lemon essential oil to each glass of water, stir, and let sit for 5 minutes before drinking.
Where clean water (or just good tasting water) is a concern, add a drop of lemon essential oil to each glass of water, stir, and let sit for 5 minutes before drinking.
Other uses we've heard include: Fighting food poisoning, preventing scurvy, malaria, lowering blood pressure, liver function, joint problems (such as arthritis), muscle aches, anemia, use as a germicide, red and white blood cell formation, ureter infections, cellulite, clarity, gallstones, strengthening nails, nervous system function, complexion and more.
I think I am going to have to come back to this blog and update it cuz I donno about YOU but I want to go make some stuff now!!
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